Monday, March 1, 2010

Recs coming soon!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be putting up recs as soon as I am sure that I know what I'm doing on Blogger. Don't want to make myself look like an idiot... T_T Anyway, I have a clearer idea now of what the first few recs will be. I'm trying to figure out how to separate them by category, but I may have to do that on LJ and just give you links to it from here. My first few recs will probably be either Fullmetal Alchemist or Yuu Yuu Hakusho. I already have several in mind, but want to make sure I know what I'm doing first. I doubt that anyone's actually reading this (except maybe Rena and Kittie-chan!) but I felt that it would be worth it to post a list of good fics anyway, since I know that I'm always looking for some. Well, hopefully someone will find this useful, once it's up. If not, then at least I'll have a better organized catalogue of my favorite fics. :) Ja ne!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Obsession #1

Well, recently I've become obsessed with two animes: Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler), and Hellsing. I can't even remember how I cam across Kuroshitsuji, but I instantly loved it. Grell makes me happy! :3 Really, who wouldn't love a chainsaw-wielding shinigami?

Hint: Losers :P
Anyway, so I get about half-way through watching the anime, since it was around three in the morning and I was too lazy to read the manga at the moment, and I decided that I wanted to read some Sebastian/Grell fanfiction. T_T I could find almost none that I actually felt were worth reading. It made me very sad, as that meant that Grell was most likely going to be added to my rather long list of background characters that no one in fandom seems to bother writing about. At least he has some good YouTube videos dedicated to him, but still, it would be nice to be able to read a decent story about him. Sorry, I think this has turned into more of a rant than writing about an obsession, but it's my blog, so whatever. O:)
And now on to Hellsing, as I need to get off the computer in a few minutes. My favorite character is Schrodinger. T_T I actually started the series because of him. And he's just mainly a background character as far as I can see. (I just seem to love these characters, for some reason... o.O) The thing that makes me truly sad is that there are neither good YouTube videos or stories about him. Anywhere, at least as far as I can tell. If any of you have a link for some good stories about Schrodinger from Hellsing or Grell Sutcliffe from Kuroshitsuji, I would loves you forever if you left the link in a comment. ^.^ Seriously, people, it would make my day, so if you know of any please say so.
I hope to get up a rec or two soon, and it/they will probably be of the Harry Potter fandom. I hope that you find some stories that you like, once I get the recs up! :)